Abstract: The present paper, aside considering the influence of a forcing signal, discusses the effect of frequency modulated synchronizing signal on optoelectronic oscillator and the corresponding FM–AM conversion for the injection synchronized optoelectronic oscillator is studied. A method to calculate the locking range of a synchronized angle modulated OEO is presented. The amplitude and phase equations are derived using the cyclic passage theory utilizing Barkhausen’s criteria. The variation of modulation index and locking range with fiber delay has been presented. Finally, the growth of oscillation amplitude and the phase-plane plot of the system are studied. It is to be noted that nothing has been reported on the synchronizing capability of the angle modulated OEO as far as the knowledge of the authors goes.
A. Mukherjee (Asst. prof. dept. of ECE, CITK); B N Biswas & N R Das
Optik - International Journal of Light Electron Optics (2015), vol. 126, Issue-19,2015, pp. 1815-1820